Application messages

Application messages contain most of JobMount job board’s texts. You can easily change most wordage you see on the job board using this feature.

1. Navigate in admin to

Settings: Application messages

2. You can browse through pages of default application messages and edit the ones you want.

NOTE: make sure you don’t modify the “key” field. You can make changes to “text” field only.

Application messages in admin

3. If you see some text, phrase, wordage, etc. on your job board site that you would like to change, but don’t know how – it may be that this text can be found and edited in the Application messages. Just copy the text and perform a search.

For example, you want to change the text “Your next great opportunity” that is a default tagline on the home page:

Change tagline in app messages

a) Go to Application messages in admin;
b) Type your next great opportunity in the keyword search field and click Search;

Find text in app messages

c) Now you can change the text to something else, for example “What job are you looking for today?“. Click the Save button for changes to take effect.

Tagline changed


It’s recommended not to delete any of the existing application messages. If you see redundant texts that you don’t want to have on your site, contact your account manager for assistance.

Application messages is the first step in translating your job board to another language because it contains most of the site’s wording. Example of application messages translated to French:

App messages translated to French

In order to translate your job board to another language, apart from application messages, you will also need to have the following sections in admin translated:

a) Content pages (including employer/candidate service pages)
b) Job/resume settings fields and employer/candidate registration fields (more info here)
c) Top and bottom menu links
d) Email templates
e) Employer/candidate dashboard items
f) SEO blocks (including employer/resume/job SEO templates)

Please contact your JobMount account manager for detailed help on how to translate your job board to another language.