Inserting videos and images into WYSIWYG fields

Client video can be added to Employer profile page or job advert via embed tag inserted into WYSIWYG area:

Sample video embed

Steps to follow:

1. Obtain YouTube or other video hosting service HTML object code opening your video.

YouTube screenshot: copy code highlighted to insert into WYSIWYG. Click on SHARE and choose EMBED option:

Embed YouTube video

2. Open page to add video to (via admin or member secure area of the job board software).

3. Find WYSIWYG editor window to insert video to.

Click HTML wysiwyg icon icon to open HTML / source code for editing:

Wywiwyg editor with html window

4. Insert Object code retrieved from YouTube or other video hosting service into HTML area and click Update button:

Wysiwyg editor with video

System will place the object into WYSIWYG area.

5. Add following line into HTML video code with other param tags to avoid showing video on top of the forms:

<param name="wmode" value="opaque" />

6. Save the page.

You can have employers upload a video to their profiles during registration process by creating a WYSIWYG type of field (e.g. Video) in Employer profile settings and adding it to:
Show in employer registration form and Show on Company profile view page (more info: Employer registration form configuration/editing and fields properties)

Video field editing in admin

When added, users will be able to see the video on the employer’s profile page:

Employer profile video embed

You can also add a video resume field to job seeker’s resumes in the same way (more info: Resume form configuration/editing)