Various email-related questions


1. Email accounts service
2. Email bounces processing by job board software
3. Email notifications are not delivered
4. How do I get a list of all email addresses

Email accounts service

JobMount does not provide email management or email accounts hosting service. There is a great email service by Google apps for its uptime, quality and exceptional spam filtering:

One can point any email processing to Google apps, easily configure and use email accounts, like sales@, admin@, contact@, mike@, john.white@, etc.

Note on naming:

admin@ address is normally perceived as “administrator”, technical contact.
You might wish to consider other options like contact@, sales@, support@, etc.

Email bounces processing by job board software

What is email bounce?
Email bounce: email is deferred or cannot be delivered.

Types of bounces logged:

  • Hard bounce: the email account is no longer valid, domain is expired, etc.
  • Soft bounce: relay error, mailbox is full, mailbox is suspended, vacation reply, temporary mailserver issues.

Bounces processing
JobMount software sends 2 types of emails:

1.Automatic notifications (i.e. registration confirmation, job alerts, etc.).

From address: job board owner/admin email. From address is set up in job board admin area. This email account is managed / hosted by client (not JobMount).
Job board admin will receive bounce notifications and be able to update user account (change email, archive, etc.).

2. User messaging (i.e. recruiter to applicant).

From address: sender’s email.
Sender will receive bounce notification and be able to contact job board administrator for resolution.

Server logging
All job board emails are passed to standalone mailing software via SMTP. This SMTP server software is separate from job board application. It sends emails and logs recipient servers’ replies (i.e. bounces).
Please note: client hosted SMTP server is sometimes used for custom solutions.
All bounces are logged by standalone SMTP server and notification emails are sent to email specified in from field.

Automatic bounce tracking by job board software
Bounce report & user profile highlighting as “email bounced” can be configured as a custom solution.

Email notifications are not delivered

In most cases bounce back received due to spam blocking of email services across the Web.

Bounce back email notification has something like

SMTP error from remote mail server after MAIL FROM:<...> SIZE=5103:
host ... [IP]: 550 SC-001 (BAY0-MC4-F25) Unfortunately, messages from [MAIL SERVER IP] weren't sent. 
Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. 
You can also refer your provider to [LINK WITH MORE INFO]

What to check in job board side

  1. It’s important to review email header and footer if it has correct links and no redundant formatting.
  2. Check if SPF record added to domain records

How do I check if email server is really blacklisted?
Copy mail server IP from email notification and check it here

Check if server IP really blacklisted
Check sender score

Submit removal request on provider web page
If you follow the link from the email notification, there is usually a form to submit a reconsideration request. See example of how to fill it:

Removal request example

How long does it takes to process removal request?
Highly depends on provider and can be from one day to two weeks.

What if the problem still persist
It is advised to directly contact support of the email service provider who is blocking email notifications.

How do I get a list of all email addresses

JobMount software can export a list of contacts (job seekers or employers) into a CSV file (spreadsheet):

  • Define the fields you want to export (i.e. name, email, etc.)
  • Define selections criteria (i.e. all, by location, subscription status, etc.)

Follow user guide on Exporting stored data to CSV file.

CSV Example 1
